Bring the kids and come join us at L&R Alpaca Haven in Douglasville for a fun Alpaca Family Paint Day and Festival! Your child can choose from 5 different animal designs to paint.
-Bounce House
-Funnel Cakes, Fried Oreos & Nutty Candy
-Hamburgers and Hotdogs
-Feed and Play with Alpacas!
Paintings will be on a 9x12 canvas board and can be as detailed or simple as needed, so all ages and skill levels can paint something they love. Tickets are just $25 each and include all the materials needed, individual help as needed while painting, and a small cup of Alpaca Feed! (There will be extra cups of feed available for purchase for just $3 a cup) Paintings will be done in hour shifts throughout the day, so pick the time slot that works best for you and your family. Everyone in your party does not have to pay to paint to enter the farm and enjoy the day!
There will also be Bounce House fun, Funnel Cakes from Ken's Firehouse Fav's, and sweet treats from Mrs. Patty's Nutty Candy Kitchen. A Concession Truck will also be there selling Hamburgers and Hotdogs that everyone can enjoy! This is going to be a great day for the whole family! The Alpacas can’t wait to see you there!
(The farm is an even numbered house on the odd side of the street. Your GPS may tell you your destination is on the wrong side of the street.)